
Helpful SKrafty Minecraft Commands

You type the commands once you are logged into SKrafty.
When you are logged in you would hit the / key to begin the command.


  •  If you were changing to the Little House server you would type: /server littlehouse
    *You can also get to the class and game servers from the hub by right clicking with the compass menu in your tray.
  • Once you are on the Little House server you can find a plot by typing: /plotme auto
  • To get back to your plot you can type: /plotme home
  • To talk to others you hit your T then start typing your message.
  • To talk to a specific person with a private message you can type /w /msg or /tell (then the player name)
    • like this: /w superd767 hi
  • By default you will be chatting in local.. which is local to the server you are on.
  • You can also talk in global and everyone on SKrafty can hear you by typing: /g hi
  • To get back to the hub server you can type /server hub or /server hub2 or just /hub or /hub2
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