Most of our class servers are creative world with plots. You may claim plots and trust people to help you with your class builds. The instructions for building will come from your lessons on the SKrafty EDU site. Here you will complete your lesson and submit your work.
Also when you finish your class you will earn badges that will give you in game currency.
You will also receive a Certificate of Completion.
*Some of the class servers have a special setup like Narnia where we simulate you being part of the book.
SIGN UP for a class ---> HERE
Base Commands
To submit your work type /sksubmit while standing looking at your project.
To claim a plot walk into one and type /plot claim, If you want it to find you a plot for you type /plot auto.
To get back to your plot type /plot home. If you have multiple plots then type /plot home:1 /plot home:2 etc.
To add people to your plot type /plot add (player name)
How do I get there?
You can use the compass in any of the hub servers to navigate to all SKrafty servers.
Published by: SuperE